Thursday, July 12, 2012


Today let's talk about front doors. 
I guess I have a personal reason for wanting to talk about front doors; this morning I gave mine a face lift.

I did this at the cost of about $1.00. I bought a can of red paint at Habitat For Humanity for 5.00 and used only a tiny bit to get this look. The door was already blue so I taped off the trim and then taped off a "red carpet" to my front door and then painted with my red paint. It goes perfect with my Americana outdoor areas.  

Our front doors are our "first impressions" of our homes and should be welcoming. This welcoming feel can be created by adding your house number in an interesting finish, a fresh coat of paint, flowers, an interesting light fixture to warm the space, etc.

Below are some fabulous front door ideas for you to contemplate and seek inspiration from.


Notice how color changes the complete look of a front door. Lowe's, Home Depot or places such as this sell sample amounts of paint colors which is plenty to paint your front door and most are for less than 5.00 dollars.


  1. good tip bout the sample paint,I bought a pint at our local hardware for 15.00 & only used about 1/4 of it to do our front door

  2. Wow! I am inspired! Coming home to a yellow door would be something to look forward to! :)

    1. I had to think of our conversation yesterday about your home...maybe this is where you need to start. As simple as painting your front door :)
