Thursday, July 12, 2012


Today let's talk about front doors. 
I guess I have a personal reason for wanting to talk about front doors; this morning I gave mine a face lift.

I did this at the cost of about $1.00. I bought a can of red paint at Habitat For Humanity for 5.00 and used only a tiny bit to get this look. The door was already blue so I taped off the trim and then taped off a "red carpet" to my front door and then painted with my red paint. It goes perfect with my Americana outdoor areas.  

Our front doors are our "first impressions" of our homes and should be welcoming. This welcoming feel can be created by adding your house number in an interesting finish, a fresh coat of paint, flowers, an interesting light fixture to warm the space, etc.

Below are some fabulous front door ideas for you to contemplate and seek inspiration from.


Notice how color changes the complete look of a front door. Lowe's, Home Depot or places such as this sell sample amounts of paint colors which is plenty to paint your front door and most are for less than 5.00 dollars.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

I know this is my second post in one day...okay so I am excited to write about what I love. <3

This post is about one of my favorite styles. Transitional. By definition, Transitional is what it sounds like; the transitional between two different styles. Most often used between Traditional and Modern. This style epitomizes what I love. I love elements of new and textures and weight of old pieces. Feminine, yet strong. 

Here are images of a Transitional entry way that captivates me.

I am currently quite infatuated with entry ways. Maybe it is because I don't have one. This entry way is thanks to 

I want to make sure that I clarify that the images I use are not necessarily my work; some will be but I will note when there not. I love the modern elements of color, glass, and leather contrasting the rustic entry table and the Gothic inspired mirrors. This is a beautiful meeting of old and new. The height of the mirrors balances the bulk of the side table. The juxtaposition of heavy and streamlined, gloss and texture makes this space an inviting entry way.

Okay now before I lose those of you who say this space can't be achieved do to the expense of these pieces let me challenge you a bit. Here is how you can create the same "feel" as this space without having the exact same elements.

1. If you have two lamps that are similar in size spray paint them to be alike.
2. Create the entry table out of old barn boards and simply eliminate the arch that is seen beneath.
3. Upholster an old bench with remnant fabric to give it new life.
4. To create the same affect as the large Gothic mirrors, why not stop by an antique store and purchase old distressed windows that are tall and narrow or simply buy some large old frames and dry brush them with black paint to make them the same and then lean them against the wall.
5. Always, if at all possible have fresh flowers. Now I know you think...EXPENSIVE. Not so. Last week I cut three tall branches with green leaves and placed them in a vase and it was gorgeous. Also, Hostas are in their full glory right now. Why not use three or four of the large leaves in a glass vase?

Most of us do not have large entry ways like the one shown here so we can go with somewhat smaller elements to fill the space.

Now....go forth and design!


Hello Everyone,
Today, July 4th, I am doing something that I committed to doing on my list on New Years resolutions. Seven months later, yep, seven months, but at least I am doing it. My resolution, to begin a design blog.

 Let me tell you a bit about myself for those of you who don't know me well. I am a 34 year old woman following her dream of a career in Interior design. It is not just something that I enjoy, it is something I become thirsty for and do as a therapeutic pass time. I am also a wife of 16 years and a mom to two beautiful, challenging, smart and  fun children. My family....

All right folks. Now that you know a little bit about the very basics of me. Let's talk design...

There are very few styles that I don't love at the very least appreciate. 
Modern, Eclectic, Contemporary, Traditional, Transitional, Mediterranean, I could go on and on. Victorian is probably the only style that I have had a hard time embracing but as you can see in this settee that I LOVE touches of it can be gorgeous. The modern simple fabric helps this piece to step into this century while still embracing the stylings of another era. Can't you just see this in a fabulously feminine office design.

I love to create spaces, both residential and commercial. I also love to create floral designs. To keep this post from becoming to long winded I am going to only share on of my most recent projects, which is our church platform area. Here is what it looked like before...

This was the home of the Traditional service and has been this way for about 20 years. We recently had some change in venues and now this is used for both the Contemporary Service and the Traditional Service. I was asked to used some of the built in fixtures, such as the wood wall in the background and the stone that can be seen so it was a challenge in bringing the old and the new together. Here are some of the design solutions offered...

and these are the after photos....this is bad I realized just now I have no "after" be continued....